Wednesday 2 July 2014

First Time!

So today I've been really bored and tired (who knew watching The Hobbit would be so exhausting?) so I've been watching a lot of YouTube.

I've also been doing SO MUCH CRAFTING :). I made a pair of yellow shorts out of my old yellow jeans and I'm currently painting a pair of sunglasses with blue and green nail polish. For my birthday I'm going to be revamping my bedroom so I'm going to be turning my huge unit of drawers and cupboards into my crafting boudoir!

My favourite YouTuber (at the moment) is Zoella, and when I found out that she has a blog, I went to the blog straightaway and found that it was amazing! I do love Zoella, it's so nice to have someone British vlogging for once :). (My autocorrect just changed vlogging to "clogging" - I've learnt a new word today!).

I've always been rubbish at keeping a diary or a journal, I just don't have the patience. I hope that blogging will be different.

It's the summer holidays here, so I have a plan. I am going to make these summer hols...

THE BEST SUMMER EVER!!!!!!! (The seven exclamation marks are very important.)

I don't want to waste a day of this (today doesn't count)! Unfortunately it's probably going to be dull (weather wise) and cloudy most of the time :(

So...yeah. See you soon!

Chameleon xxx

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